Sunday, June 8, 2014

.net basics question and answer

Q. What is the use of remoting ?
Ans:- It helps to make remote method calls to objects which are residing in different appdomain. These Appdomain can be located in a different geographical location or different networks.

Q.How do you create a remoting object ?
Ans:-Create a interface -- Implement the object by creating MarshalbyRef -- Host your server object using Remoting"RegisterWellKnownServiceType" -- Create the client to call the service"Activator.GetObject".

Q.Problems with remoting
Ans:-Client and server can be only in .NET language , complicated, Faster than other remoting technologies, pick and choose Channel and formatter ( customization)

Q.what is a webservice ?
Ans:-Webservice is a technology by which you can expose your business functionality on HTTP using SOAP XML format.

Q.How can we do webservice security
Ans:-specify windows , passport , forms and pass credentials through the client proxy object

Q.What is WSDL ?
Ans:-It’s a meta data which shows what are the methods , properties , datatypes exposed by a service

Q.What is SOAP ?
Ans:-It’s a XML protocol which is defined how your service and client communicate.

Q.What is difference between Webservice and Remoting
Ans:-Webservice(Cross language , only Http) , Remoting ( only .NET platform , Any protocol)

Q.What is  Service Oriented Archotecture ?
Ans:-SOA is nothing but desigining your system in self contained services which communicate via standard messages thus making your services loosely coupled. Services -- Self contained , Orchestrate , Industry Standard messages , Reliable , Aynshcrounous message , Cross plat form  describe and discover

Q.Why WCF ?
Ans:-It was to satisfy  SOA principles of WS-* specification.

Q.What is WCF ?
Ans:-WCF = Webservices + remoting + COM plus + MSMQ

Q.What is Address binding Contract ?
Ans:-Address - where is it hosted , Binding - how is the protocol , Contract - what  is the interfcae

Q.What is  Service contract , Operation contract and Data contract ?
Ans:-Service contract - Service  name , Operation contract - Your methods and functions , data contract - Custom data type , data member - property and functions of your data contract

Q.namespace of WCF

Q.what's the difference between WCF and Webservices ?
Ans:-Webservices = WCF - ( remoting( multiple protocols) + COM plus ( transactions) + MSMQ(queueing))

Q.How do you do self hosting ?
Ans:-Create object of Service host , provide Address ( Uri) , Binding ( Wshttpbinding) , Contract ( Interface) and open the host.

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